Grounding in colour

A reminder to be present and grounded in the moment. Life can be really challenging, but these little pieces are a reminder to find those moments of joy in life, no matter how small.

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When the sky burns red

Winter has the longest nights, but often the brightest sunsets. These paintings take you to those magical mountain moments that burst with light, before the darkness settles in.

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Nature of the trees

When the trees are covered in snow, they each have a new personality that emerges. These tactile pieces explore the playfulness that emerges in the forest during winter.

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Okanagan memories

Lakes are full of summer memories. These works capture both the playfulness and calmness of being by the water.

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Captured moments

Seize sunsets memories as the sun slowly fades on the horizon.

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At the water's edge

The movement of water is mesmerizing as it drowns out racing thoughts in the mind. These small works will take you to those moments in time when you felt calm.

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Through bold strokes and rich textures, my introspective reflections unfold onto the canvas, inviting viewers to feel the raw energy and emotion.

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Moody mountains

Foggy mountain scenes on wood slices.

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